World: No heads rolled at the White House Friday (so far). But anxiety abounds

No heads rolled at the White House Friday (so far). But anxiety abounds

Over at the Justice Department, Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired Andrew G. McCabe, the former FBI deputy director and a frequent target of Trump’s scorn, late Friday night.

Seeking to tamp down the anxiety inside the West Wing and the sense of never-ending dysfunction, President Donald Trump refrained from dawn through dusk from any firings-by-tweet.

His chief of staff delivered a buck-’em-up message that no heads will roll — for now.
Over at the Justice Department, Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired Andrew G. McCabe, the former FBI deputy director and a frequent target of Trump’s scorn, late Friday night. That was widely suspected. But at the White House, the lack of any resolution to the steady reports of coming firings has left the president’s top advisers in limbo, and has undercut their authority.
Some aides say they wake up each morning wondering if they will still have a job by the end of the day.
Two embattled Cabinet secretaries — Ben Carson at the Department of Housing and Urban Development and David J. Shulkin at the Department of Veterans Affairs — remained in their posts despite speculation that they would soon be replaced because of the president’s anger over their use of public funds.

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