How to get rid of dandruff – treatments and cure as well as best products

You’re wearing your favourite black top and you look down to see white flakes on it, dandruff has struck again.
No one likes looking down and seeing the flaky residue on their clothing so what can you do about it?
There’s nothing more annoying than the itching sensation, so if you’re suffering there’s good news. It can stop.
There’s a few tips, solutions, products and remedies you can try to battle back against it.
Here’s a top round up of what works and what is causing your dandruff problems so rather than a quick fix, you get long-term relief.
If you have your own tips share them in the comments with us.

What causes dandruff and what is it?

Dandruff is caused when a fungus called Malassezia grows on your scalp. It causes the skin to shed. There are two types of dandruff; one is dryness of the scalp the other is if you have excessive oil on your scalp.
Causes are:
  • Brushing your hair wrong or irregularly
  • You aren’t washing your hair enough or infrequently
  • Diet
  • Stress and certain illnesses like eczema and dermatitis

Natural remedies

1. Wash your hair

“Untreated dandruff can turn into seborrhoeic dermatitis, a thick, stuck-on yellow scale,” says trichologist Sally-Ann Tarver . “It makes the scalp sore, and can even cause hair loss.”
Dandruff is caused by a fungal yeast we all have on our scalp, which feeds on the skin’s natural oils. If you’re dandruff prone, this leads to irritation, which makes the cells clump together. Result: flakes.
The first step is to use a dedicated anti-dandruff shampoo.
“This reduces the yeast and helps exfoliate and break down the scale,’” says Sally-Ann. “But if the scale is thick, you might need a professional descaling treatment. It’s also important to wash frequently to keep the yeast under control. It’s a myth hair is self-cleansing, you’ll just get a build-up of the oil the yeast feeds on.”

2. Lemon juice

Use a teaspoon of lemon juice and a bit of coconut oil (5 teaspoons).
Mix the lemon with the oil and apply it to your scalp – leave it for half an hour.
Wash it out using a mild shampoo. Try it in the morning or while taking a bath.
Why it works: Dandruff can be caused by an imbalance in your pH levels on your scalp.
The acid from the lemon helps re-balance it. Coconut oil acts as a conditioning agent and has antibacterial properties.
Be careful if you have cuts as lemon is acidic.

3. Tea tree oil

Try this one in the morning or while you’re in the bath. Try it once a day for about a week. You just need a few drops for this one. Take a little amount of shampoo and add tea tree oil to it.
Mix this and rub it in to the scalp. Rinse after five minutes.
Why it works: Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties and has a higher rate of dermal penetration.
It’s one of the best things you can use. People who used it over four weeks saw a 41 per cent reduction in dandruff – they used a five per cent ratio for the tea tree oil to shampoo.
It’s also an antiseptic.

4. Aspirin

Two tablets can make a difference. Crush them in a bowl and add a little bit of shampoo to it.
Shampoo like normal using the mix. Leave it for two minutes then rinse.
Why it works: Aspirin has salicylates that exfoliate

5. Baking soda

Take a tablespoon of baking soda and rub into wet hair and scalp.
Leave it for a minute and wash your hair thoroughly.

6. Apple cider vinegar

Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and water together. Wash your hair, then pour on the mixture and rub in. Leave for 15 minutes before washing off.
Why it works: The acid changes the pH Levels of your scalp which stops the yeast growing that causes dandruff.

7. Mouthwash

You can use Listerine Mouthwash for this. Mix it with waster (about a tablespoon with nine tablespoons water).
Wash your hair with normal shampoo. Rinse your hair and use the mouthwash.
Why it works: It has antifungal properties that fight the yeast that causes dandruff.

8. Coconut oil

Wash your hair then let it dry. Don’t use conditioner. Instead apply the coconut oil directly on to your hair. Leave it for a few minutes then wash it out.
Why it works: It gets deep into the epidermis and works from there. It has fatty acids which regenerate areas and help treat dandruff.

9. Salt

Rub salt on to the scalp and work it through the ahir. Do it for 10 minutes. Shampoo as normal.
Why it works: It’s abrasive nature helps scrub the scalp.

10. Aloe Vera

Take aloe vera gel (that has been taken from the plant) and apply to the scalp.
Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with mild shampoo.
Why it works: It has natural antibacterial and fungicidal properties

11. Garlic

Crush garlic cloves and mix it with honey until you have a smooth paste.
Massage into your scalp and leave for 15 minutes. Shampoo your hair.
Why it works: It has antifungal properties.

12. Olive oil

Olive oil can be used on the scalp as it moisturises the area that may be flaking. Try an overnight soak. Pour eight to ten drops of oil into your palm and massage into the scalp. Place a shower cap over your head to keep from staining the sheets. Leave for eight hours or overnight and then wash out in the morning using your normal shampoo.
Why it works: Olive oil moisturises the area and hydrates the scalp.

13. Massage

Dry scalp massage can help stimulate growth, but you have to do it properly says Sally-Ann.
“Don’t slide your fingers round in circles – you can physically rub the hair away. I’ve seen people who’ve given themselves friction alopecia this way. You need to move just your scalp with your fingertips, not your hair.”
Adding a few drops of almond or sesame seed oil is also great for moisturising the scalp, even if you don’t have a specific scalp issue.

14. Cut back on products

Product build-up can aggravate the scalp, says Sally-Ann from the Cotswold Trichology Centre .
“A lot of styling products are full of plastics and alcohol, which is fine on hair, but potentially irritating to skin. If your scalp is dehydrated, it absorbs more of what you put on it, which can make dryness worse.”
