Night shifts increase diabetes risk

Scientists said working night shifts may have adverse effects on blood sugar levels, thereby increasing the risk of diabetes. According to a new report which was published online in the journal ‘Diabetes Care,’ working nights shifts less than three times a month increased the risk of developing diabetes by 24 per cent, but working nights more than eight times a month increased the risk by 36 per cent. Study co-first author, Celine Vetter, who directs the University of Colorado’s Circadian and Sleep Epidemiology Laboratory, said: “Shift work, particularly night shifts, disrupts social and biological rhythms, as well as sleep, and has been suggested to increase the risk of metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes.
“The more often a person worked an irregular night shift, the greater their risk for type 2 diabetes, the findings showed.” Vetter advised that those that can’t avoid working nights may be able to reduce their health risks by eating a healthy diet, watching their weight, and getting enough exercise and sleep.
The researchers looked at data on more than 270,000 people in the United Kingdom (UK) and found that those who worked irregular or rotating shifts that included night shifts were 44 per cent more likely to have type 2 diabetes than those who worked only days. The findings could not prove a cause-and-effect relationship between rotating shift work and type 2 diabetes, but previous studies have also found associations between these work schedules and heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
