There comes a point in a lot of people’s lives when they notice their body isn’t bouncing back with the same youthful elasticity with which it once did.
Dark circles under our eyes, aches and pains where there once were none and abdominal fat – our bodies have their ways of telling us lifestyle has outstripped luck.
Fitness and nutrition expert Louise Parker agrees, saying “I’d say most clients who are overweight are largely concerned about fat in the abdominal area as it’s what they physically see and feel.”
But as she explains to Mirror Online, the bad news is there’s no short-cut to a flatter, leaner tummy.
Tackling it is a far-reaching task – and not tackling it can have serious consequences which go beyond the aesthetic.
1. You can’t choose where the fat comes off
A few years ago clients would specifically ask to spot body fat reduce – perhaps saying ‘I want to keep my boobs, and only want to drop fat around my tummy and arms’.
But more and more realise you simply cannot spot body fat reduce. We turn your fat burning tap on and tone you…
2. …but ultimately your genetics will decide where that fat will be taken from first
For most it’s beautifully even, but for some, you are more likely to store visceral fat.
3. There are two types of fat, and it’s visceral fat which really matters
This is an indicator of how much actual body fat you are storing around your midriff and around your internal organs.
If your rating is high, you’re auditioning for disease and diabetes, so we want to reduce this to a healthy level as swiftly and sensibly as possible.
4. But what you cannot do, is 100 sit ups a day and expect to have a lean stomach
A lean body is largely earned in the kitchen.
If you’ve a good layer of body fat sitting on the stomach muscles, it’s not going to burn fat from that area.
We need to drop your total body fat whilst toning a strong core. Healthy metabolisms mean longevity of results.
5. Ditch the fad diet
The most recent misconception over the last two years is hundreds of clients coming to us who’ve been following what I refer to as ‘healthy halo diets’ – so simply eating too much ‘healthy’ food.
It’s heartbreaking as they are baffled why their coconut porridge with manuka honey isn’t making them look like the girl in the Instagram photo.
And they gain weight as whilst these ‘diets’ are full of nutrition, they’re overloaded with calories and healthy sugars.
The simplest way to sum it up is we need to adopt a lifestyle diet.
6. Because your body does not care if a calorie has come from a Haribo or honey…
…by the time it’s broken down on its way to fat storage.
A huge focus of the Louise Parker Method is giving scientific, realistic advice.
So not a diet that starts on Monday and comes to a grinding halt on Friday, but really, truly change the way you eat forever.
Ask yourself: Will I still be doing eighty per cent of this plan in five years time?
If so, that rules out juice fasting, 5:2 or anything that’s just not enjoyable, do-able, sociable and sustainable.
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